Donations and Grants make a huge difference to our Community. When you give to New Horizons you can rest assured that your donation will go right to work helping those who need your help the most. Your donation will support caring and nurturing living environments that are designed to provide the tools and resources necessary to promote growth and self-determination. New Horizons works to ensure independent living and a superior quality of life for all our residents.
Our Mission: Provide a continuum of care that includes housing and support services for people with physical disabilities as well as rehabilitation and inpatient nursing home care.
We truly welcome both monthly and one time gifts, large or small. There are several ways you can make a difference. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, your donation is tax deductible.
Option 1:
Donate any amount desired by clicking the donate button below. All transactions are safely made through PayPal.
Option 2:
Pay by check. Please make check payable to New Horizons, Inc., 37 Bliss Memorial Road, Unionville, CT 06085

- Assistant General Council at The Hartford
- Chris Girard
Donor Story:
I donate to New Horizons for three main reasons: (1) I believe in its mission; (2) I know that every dime of my donation is being put to good use; and (3) exciting things are happening at New Horizons. I’ll tell you a little more about each of these reasons.
(1) I believe in the mission of New Horizons. I have been involved with New Horizons since 2006 and a member of its board of directors since 2013. That makes me a newcomer around here. People who get involved with New Horizons stay involved. That is because it is a special place. A residential option for people with disabilities, New Horizons offers a combination of services and barrier-free living that allows residents to achieve to the best of their ability. Most of all, New Horizons is a community where people live, love and learn together. For these remarkable and driven people, New Horizons is home.
(2) They make your donation dollars work. I have a young family and money is always tight. When I choose to support a non-profit organization, I want to know it is going to advance the organization’s mission. The management team at New Horizons take their responsibilities to the residents and their community very seriously. Nothing is wasted, every avenue for grants, donations and other support is exhausted. That means they don’t take my donation for granted. They put it to work for the residents of the Village.
(3) Exciting things are happening. At the thirty year-old campus, a fresh new look is on the way. With a strategic plan to adapt to residents’ changing wants and needs, I am excited to be a part of the next chapter at New Horizons. Times are changing fast and New Horizons will be on the cutting edge of what an adaptive, barrier-free community can look and feel like.